Tuesday, January 10, 2012

homemade farmers hell...

Testing some farmer carry bars knocked up from pipe and threaded rod, easy to make and brutally effective. I combined the farmer carry with a heavy pull (dragging my ute) and the end result feels something similar too a very heavy deadlift...
8/1/12 workout was-
-w/u with sprints and dynamic movement work
-4 laps of pushing my ute for ~50m then pulling it back to start
-3 rounds of farmer carry (80kg)/ute pull across ~50m
Good times!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

wow, now where was i?
I got a bit busy and let the posts slide over the past ~12 months but have recently done some training that reminded me of the intention behind this blog and decided to start posting here and there..
most recently I have been o/s and came up with some interesting sessions-
e.g.- I was staying in a 30 storey building, decided to run the internal fire stairs, untimed but it certainly sucked the air out of my lungs by about level 15..continued on another 5 floors and then returned back down the 20 floors..
I also got the opportunity to spend some time in Singapore and train with a great bunch of people out of a corner of the Singapore weightlifting federation gym, thanks Feng and crew!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hey there to anyone who may have been dropping in on this blog, I'm having a break from the post's for a bit. They may become very sporadic..or none at all for a bit.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Todays WOD-

15 minute AMRAP

100m run
10 pullups
100m run
10 thrusters 15kg db's

5 rounds and 1 pullup..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sledgehammer 1- Ian's hand 0

Once again it's been busy and I've been squeezing in WOD's fairly randomly..

Saturday-I took on a "pit challenge" at Crossfit Northside, it was a odd job workout consisting of cycling through a car push/power clean for reps/rest(someone had to make sure the car didn't run into a wall..) It was not timed or scientific just a "get in and sweat" kind of thing.
Certainly a functional component too as I have now helped a couple of times move broken-down cars off the road..

Sunday-digging a bunch of holes and planting trees..not kidding, it's arduos work!

Monday- Again visiting Crossfit Northside, I was really keen for the training, not sure why, I just felt like working hard so I did a mega session, skills, conditioning and strength all in one day!

I did snatch progression work 4x3 snatch balance- 40/3, 40/3, 45/3, 50/3
Then 4x3 power snatch/ohs squat- 40/3, 45/3, 45/3, 50/3

Then another "pit challenge"..15 minutes of partner WOD involving 50 sledge swings/200m run/3 clean and jerk..7 rounds and the run completed (run and clean were the pace setter).

Finally, 200m farmers walk with 2x32kg kb just to see what it is like..pretty tough, I wanted to throw it in a WOD sometime but would definitely reduce the distance..;)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday WOD-I joined in with the crew at CrossFit Northside and did
SDHP @ 50kg
farmer carry with 20 kg plates

3.37-tried doing the plate carry using pinch grip and only got 2 rounds before my grip stopped working and I had to go with normal grip..i've got a long way to go before i'm pulling trucks :)

followed by 1x500m row for 1.29..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesdays WOD-I visited CrossFit Brisbane for their wod. Thanks to the crew for letting me join in.
3 rounds-
21 deadlift @ 100kg
50 double unders

completed 5.56 rxd

It is a very different experience to do a couplet of movements that I enjoy as opposed to movements that I struggle with, say pullups/thrusters or ohs/toes to bar..I really enjoyed this WOD and never doubted finishing when a combination of the others may leave me cursing and battling the negative inner voice...???