It's been a hectic couple of days..
Wednesday WOD-
modified from Coastal CrossFit WOD
10 minute limit-
400m run with 40kg punching bag
with the balance of time, shift as much load as possible using deadlift, choose your own weight.
rest 5 minutes, then
10 minute limit-
400m run with 40kg punching bag
with the balance of time, shift as much load as possible ground to overhead, choose your own weight.
First wod I went for 70kg x 106 reps=7420kg
Second wod was 30kg snatch x 72 reps=2160kg
total load moved=9580kg
Thursday WOD courtesy of CrossFit Brisbane-
4 rounds
15 sdhp @ 40kg
30 lunges
50 double unders
finished in 11.51
my glutes/hamstrings (aka ass) hate me :)
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