Sledgehammer 1- Ian's hand 0
Once again it's been busy and I've been squeezing in WOD's fairly randomly..
Saturday-I took on a "pit challenge" at Crossfit Northside, it was a odd job workout consisting of cycling through a car push/power clean for reps/rest(someone had to make sure the car didn't run into a wall..) It was not timed or scientific just a "get in and sweat" kind of thing.
Certainly a functional component too as I have now helped a couple of times move broken-down cars off the road..
Sunday-digging a bunch of holes and planting trees..not kidding, it's arduos work!
Monday- Again visiting Crossfit Northside, I was really keen for the training, not sure why, I just felt like working hard so I did a mega session, skills, conditioning and strength all in one day!
I did snatch progression work 4x3 snatch balance- 40/3, 40/3, 45/3, 50/3
Then 4x3 power snatch/ohs squat- 40/3, 45/3, 45/3, 50/3
Then another "pit challenge"..15 minutes of partner WOD involving 50 sledge swings/200m run/3 clean and jerk..7 rounds and the run completed (run and clean were the pace setter).
Finally, 200m farmers walk with 2x32kg kb just to see what it is like..pretty tough, I wanted to throw it in a WOD sometime but would definitely reduce the distance..;)